انتخاب صفحه

دانلود Qui Italia 1 & 2

۲۵۰,۰۰۰ تومان (محصول دانلودی)

برای خرید محصول روی دکمه «افزودن به سبد خرید» کلیک کنید، سپس با وارد کردن اطلاعات مورد نیاز به صفحه پرداخت هدایت می شوید، پس از پرداخت موفق مبلغ در صورت خرید محصولات دانلودی لینک دانلود فایلی که خریداری نموده اید به شما نمایش داده خواهد شد و در صورت خرید محصولات فیزیکی، کالا به آدرس شما ارسال خواهد شد.


Qui Italia 1 & 2

حجم فایل: 106 مگابایت

Italian elementary course for foreigners

Who it’s for

Young students and adults with no or very little knowledge of the Italian language, who intend to learn in a progressive and equilibrated way the linguistic capacities necessary to express themselves correctly in situations of everyday life.

The course is organised in 19 didactic units based on high frequency communicative situations, in which the student could find himself during a trip to Italy or in the course of a conversation with an Italian.

The course is composed of two volumes: a Libro di lingua e grammatica (Language and Grammar Book), complete with exercises, and a Libro quaderno (Exercise Book) with further oral and written exercises. For English, Japanese and Chinese speakers there are also specific Note grammaticali (Grammar Notes) books. Following an inductive method and using the linguistic functions presented in the context, the student arrived to the grammatical rules.

Great attention is reserved for tonal pitching and the use of the most important and recurrent forms of non-verbal language, in particular the gestural language to which there are some activities.

The activities draw the attention to well-defined elements and serve to reach the mastery of a linguistic and/or communicative mechanism.
The activities, instead, stimulate the student towards a more creative use of the language and aim to exercise the four basic linguistic abilities.

Alberto Mazzetti, Professor of Italian Linguistics at Perugia University for Foreigners, has directed the Center for Italian Language Certification of Perugia University for Foreigners. Marina Falcinelli and Bianca Sertvadio teach Italian at the University for foreigners of Perugia. They hold courses for training and aggiornamenti for Italian teachers. They are authors of Italian teaching manuals.


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